Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
<NR1> =0stopsa
cquisitions; any other value starts acquisitions.
Examples ACQUIRE:STATE RUN starts the acquisition of waveform data and resets the count
of the number of acquisitions.
ACQUIRE:STATE? might return:ACQUIRE:STATE 0 indicating that the
acquisition is stopped.
ACQuire:STOPAfterSets or returns whether the oscilloscope continually acquires acquisitions or
acquires a single sequence.
Group Acquisition
Syntax ACQuire:STOPAfter {RUNSTop|SEQuence}
Related Commands ACQuire:STATE
Arguments RUNSTop specifies that the oscilloscope will continually acquire data, if
ACQuire:STATE is turned on.
SEQuence specifies that the next acquisition will be a single-sequence acquisition.
Examples ACQUIRE:STOPAFTER RUnsTOP sets the oscilloscope to continually acquire data.
indicating that the next acquisition the oscilloscope makes will be of the
single-sequence type.
ALIasSets or returns the state of alias functionality. Use Alias commands to define new
commands as a sequence of standard commands. You may find this useful when
repeatedly using the same commands to perform certain tasks like setting up
measurements. Aliases are similar to macros but do not include the capability to
substitute parameters into alias bodies.
To use Alias commands,first d efinethe a lias, then turn on the alias state.
Group Alias
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-73