Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
ERRor specifies an error frame.
OVERLoad specifies an overload frame.
SEARCH:SEARCH<x>:TRIGger:A:BUS:B<x>:CAN{:IDentifier|:ADDRess}:MODeSets or returns the CAN addressing mode for a trigger search to a standard or
extended format. SEARCH<x> is the search number and B<x> is the bus number.
Conditions This command requires a DPO4AUTO application module.
Group Search
Syntax SEARCH:SEARCH<x>:TRIGger:A:BUS:B<x>:CAN{:IDentifier|:
ADDRess}:MODe {STandard|EXTended}
Arguments STandard specifies an 11-bit identifier field.
EXTended specifies a 29-bit identifier field.
SEARCH:SEARCH<x>:TRIGger:A:BUS:B<x>:CAN{:IDentifier|:ADDRess}:VALueSets or returns the binary address string to be used for a CAN trigger search if
the search condition is ID or IDANDDATA. SEARCH<x> is the search number
and B<x> is the bus number.
Conditions This command requires a DPO4AUTO application module.
Group Search
Syntax SEARCH:SEARCH<x>:TRIGger:A:BUS:B<x>:CAN{:IDentifier|:
ADDRess}:VALue <bin>
Arguments <bin> is the address in binary format.
2-338 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual