Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Examples MESSage:SHOW “Hello World”
displays “Hello world” in the upper left corner of the box (you can define the box
size with the MESSAGE BOX command).
MESSage:SHOW “Í@Hello WorldÍ@... hello”
displays “Hello world ... hello” in the upper left corner of the box and the word
“world” is displayed in inverse video. In this example, Ístands for the escape
character. The escape character may appear differently for you depending on
your controller program.
MESSage:STATEControls the display of the message box.
Group Display
Syntax MESSage:STATE {OFF|ON|<NR1>}
Related Commands MESSage:BOX
Arguments OFFor<NR1>=0removes the message window from the screen.
ON or <NR1> ≠0displays the message window and its contents on the screen.
NEWpass(NoQueryForm)This command changes the password that enables access to passwordprotected
data. The PASSWord command must be successfully executed before using this
command or an execution error will be generated.
Group Miscellaneous
Syntax NEWpass <QString>
Related Commands *PUD
2-240 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual