Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Examples AUXIN:PROBE? might return AUXIN:PROBE:ID:TYPE "No Probe
1.0000E+6 giving information about the probe attached to the AUX In input.
AUXin:PRObe:AUTOZero (No Query Form)
Sets the TekVPI probe attached to the AuxIn input to autozero. The oscilloscope
will ignore this command if the Auxiliary input does not have a TekVPIprobe
connected to it.
Group Vertical
Syntax AUXin:PRObe:AUTOZero {EXECute}
Arguments EXECute sets the probe to autozero.
AUXin:PRObe:COMMAND (No Query Form)
Sets the state of the probe control specied with the rst argument to the state
specied with the second argument. The commands and states are unique to the
attached probe type. Only certain VPI probes support this command. See the
probe documentation for how to set these string arguments.
Group Vertical
Syntax AUXin:PRObe:COMMAND <QString>, <QString>
Arguments <QString> are quoted strings specifying the probe command and value to set in
the probe attached to the auxiliary input.
Examples AUXIN:PROBE:COMMAND “OUTPUT”, “ON” turns the output of a Tektronix
VPI-DPG probe on.
AUXIN:PROBE:COMMAND “MODE”, “4–4V1MHz” sets a Tektronix VPI-DPG
probe to the 4-4V1MHz mode.
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-79