Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Arguments <NR1> is the number of bytes per data point and can be 1 or 2.
Examples WFMINPRE:BYT_NR 1 sets the number of bytes per incoming waveform data
point to 1, which is the default setting.
WFMINPRE:BYT_NR? might return :WFMINPRE:BYT_NR 2 indicating that there
are 2 bytes per incoming waveform data point.
Sets or returns which byte of binary waveform data is expected rst for incoming
waveform data when data points require than one byte. This specication only has
meaning when WFMInpre:ENCdg is set to BIN and WFMInpre:BYT_Nr is 2.
Group Waveform Transfer
Syntax WFMInpre:BYT_Or {LSB|MSB}
Related Commands WFMInpre:ENCdg,WFMInpre:BYT_Nr,WFMOutpre:BYT_Or
Arguments LSB species that the least signicant byte will be expected rst.
MSB species that the most signicant byte will be expected rst.
Examples WFMINPRE:BYT_OR MSB sets the most signicant incoming byte of incoming
waveform data to be expected rst.
WFMINPRE:BYT_OR? might return :WFMINPRE:BYT_OR LSB indicating that the
least signicant incoming CURVe data byte will be expected rst.
Sets or returns the type of encoding for incoming waveform data.
Group Waveform Transfer
Syntax WFMInpre:ENCdg {ASCii|BINary}
2-480 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual