Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Arguments <NR1> is the number of bytes per data point and can be 1 or 2.
Examples WFMINPRE:BYT_NR 1 sets the number of bytes per incoming waveform data
point to 1, which is the default setting.
WFMINPRE:BYT_NR? might return :WFMINPRE:BYT_NR 2 indicating that there
are 2 bytes per incoming waveform data point.
WFMInpre:BYT_OrSets or returns which byte of binary waveform data is expected first for incoming
waveform data when data points require than one byte. This specification only has
meaning when WFMInpre:ENCdg is set to BIN and WFMInpre:BYT_Nr is 2.
Group Waveform Transfer
Syntax WFMInpre:BYT_Or {LSB|MSB}
Related Commands WFMInpre:ENCdg,WFMInpre:BYT_Nr,WFMOutpre:BYT_Or
Arguments LSB specifies that the least significant byte will be expected first.
MSB specifies that the most significant byte will be expected first.
Examples WFMINPRE:BYT_OR MSB sets the most significant incoming byte of incoming
waveform data to be expected first.
WFMINPRE:BYT_OR? might return :WFMINPRE:BYT_OR LSB indicating that the
least significant incoming CURVe data byte will be expected first.
WFMInpre:ENCdgSets or returns the type of encoding for incoming waveform data.
Group Waveform Transfer
Syntax WFMInpre:ENCdg {ASCii|BINary}
2-480 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual