Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Group Waveform Transfer
Syntax WFMInpre:YMUlt <NR3>
Related Commands DATa:DESTination,WFMInpre:BYT_Nr,WFMInpre:YUNit
Arguments <NR3> is the vertical scale factor per digitizing level of the incoming waveform
Examples WFMINPRE:YMULT? might return :WFMINPRE:YMULT 40.0000E-3,which(if
YUNit is āVā) indicates that the vertical scale is 40 mV/digitizing level (1V/div
for 8-bit data).
WFMINPRE:YMULT 20E-3 speciļ¬es that (if WFMInpre:YUNit is "V" and
WFMInpre:BYT_Nr is 1), the vertical scale is 20 mV/digitizing level
(500 mV/div).
WFMInpre:YOFfSets or returns the vertical position of the incoming waveform in digitizing levels.
Variationsin this number are analogous to changing the vertical position of the
YMUlt, YOFf, and YZEro are used to convert waveform record values to YUNit
values using the following formula (where dl is the data level; curve_in_dl is a
data point in CURVe):
value_in_units = ((curve_in_dl - YOFf_in_dl) * YMUlt) + YZEro_in_units
NOTE. For a given waveform record, YMUlt, YOFf, and YZEro have to be a
consistent set, otherwise vertical cursor readouts and vertical measurements may
give incorrect results.
Group Waveform Transfer
Syntax WFMInpre:YOFf <NR3>
Related Commands WFMInpre:BYT_Nr,WFMInpre:YMUlt,WFMOutpre:YOFf?
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-485