Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Examples POWER:GATESOURCE CH1 sets the gated source as CH1.
POWER:GATESOURCE? might return POWER:GATESOURCE CH2 indicating that
CH2 is the gatedsource.
Sets or returns the power application gating.
Conditions This command requires a DPO4PWR application module.
Group Power
Syntax POWer:GATing {OFF|SCREen|CURSor}
Arguments OFF turns off measurement gating (full record).
SCREen turns on gating, using the left and right edges of the screen.
CURSor limits measurements to the portion of the waveform between the vertical
bar cursors, even if they are off screen.
Examples POWER:GATING CURSOr sets cursor gating on the oscilloscope.
POWER:GATING? might return POWER:GATING OFF indicating that gating is
turned off on the oscilloscope.
Sets or returns the harmonics to be displayed when the harmonics standard is
Conditions This command requires a DPO4PWR application module.
Group Power
Syntax POWer:HARMonics:DISPlay:SELect {ODD|EVEN|ALL}
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-249