Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Group Vertical
Syntax AUXin:PRObe:RESistance?
Examples AUXin:PRObe:RESistance? might return :AUXin:PROBE:RESISTANCE
1.0000E+6 indicating that the input resistance of the probe attached to the front
panel Aux In connector is 1 Mā¦.
NOTE. This query will return 0.0 if no probe is attached or the attached probe
does not report the input resistance.
AUXin:PRObe:SIGnalThis command changes the input bypass setting on VPI probes that support input
bypass, for example the TCP0001. If sent to a probe that does not support input
bypass, it is ignored.
Group Vertical
Syntax AUXin:PRObe:SIGnal {BYPass|PASS}
Arguments ByPass sets the probe to Bypass mode.
PASS sets the probe to Pass mode.
AUXin:PRObe:UNIts? (Query Only)Returns a string describing the units of measure of the probe attached to the Aux
In input.
Group Vertical
Syntax AUXin:PRObe:UNIts?
Examples AUXin:PROBE:UNITS? might return: :AUXin:PROBE :UNITS āVā indicating
that the units of measure for the attached probe are volts.
2-82 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual