Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Examples POWER:SOA:LOG:YMAX 10 sets the YMAX value to 10.0000.
POWER:SOA:LOG:YMAX ? might return :POWER:SOA:LOG:YMAX 100.0000
indicating that the YMAX value for log plot type is set to 100.0000.
Sets or returns the user YMIN value for use in Log SOA calculations.
Conditions This command requires a DPO4PWR application module.
Group Power
Arguments <NR3> is the YMIN value used for log SOA calculations.
Examples POWER:SOA:LOG:YMIN 1 sets the YMIN value to 1.0000.
POWER:SOA:LOG:YMIN ? might return :POWER:SOA:LOG:YMIN 100.0000E-3
indicating that the YMIN value for log plot type is set to 100.0000E-3.
Sets or returns the X (Volts)and Y (Amps) coordinates of the current SOA mask.
Youcan specify the number of points from 2 to 10, minimum being 2. Successive
X values must be the preceding X values. The number of XY points sent
determines the value of NR_PT.
Conditions This command requires a DPO4PWR application module.
Group Power
Syntax POWer:SOA:MASK:DEFine <NR3>
Arguments <NR3> represents SOA mask coordinates.
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-291