Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Examples POWER:SOA:LOG:YMAX 10 sets the YMAX value to 10.0000.
POWER:SOA:LOG:YMAX ? might return :POWER:SOA:LOG:YMAX 100.0000
indicating that the YMAX value for log plot type is set to 100.0000.
POWer:SOA:LOG:YMINSets or returns the user YMIN value for use in Log SOA calculations.
Conditions This command requires a DPO4PWR application module.
Group Power
Arguments <NR3> is the YMIN value used for log SOA calculations.
Examples POWER:SOA:LOG:YMIN 1 sets the YMIN value to 1.0000.
POWER:SOA:LOG:YMIN ? might return :POWER:SOA:LOG:YMIN 100.0000E-3
indicating that the YMIN value for log plot type is set to 100.0000E-3.
POWer:SOA:MASK:DEFineSets or returns the X (Volts)and Y (Amps) coordinates of the current SOA mask.
Youcan specify the number of points from 2 to 10, minimum being 2. Successive
X values must be ≥the preceding X values. The number of XY points sent
determines the value of NR_PT.
Conditions This command requires a DPO4PWR application module.
Group Power
Syntax POWer:SOA:MASK:DEFine <NR3>
Arguments <NR3> represents SOA mask coordinates.
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-291