Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Examples ZOOM:MODE OFF turns off Zoom mode.
ZOOM:MODE? might return :ZOOM:MODE 1 indicating that Zoom mode is
currently turned on.
ZOOm:ZOOM<x>? (Query Only)Returns the current vertical and horizontal positioning and scaling of the display.
<x> can only be 1.
Group Zoom
Syntax ZOOm:ZOOM<x>?
Examples ZOOM:ZOOM1? might return :ZOOM:ZOOM1:STATE 1;SCALE
400.0000E-12;POSITION 46.8986;FACTOR 50.0000E+3;HORIZO
NTAL:POSITION 46.8986;SCALE 400.0000E-12.
ZOOm:ZOOM<x>:FACtor? (Query Only)Returns the zoom factor of a particular zoom box. <x> can only be 1.
Group Zoom
Syntax ZOOm:ZOOM<x>:FACtor?
Returns <NR1> is the zoom factor of a zoom box.
ZOOm:ZOOM<x>:POSitionSets the horizontal position of the zoom box, in terms of 0 to 100.0% of upper
window. <x> can only be 1.
Group Zoom
Syntax ZOOm:ZOOM<x>:POSition <NR3>
2-498 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual