Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Group Alias
Syntax ALIas:DEFine <QString><,>{<QString>|<Block>}
ALIas:DEFine? <QString>
Related Commands ALIas[:STATE]
Arguments The rst <QString> is the alias label.
This label cannot be a command name. Labels must start with a letter and can
contain only letters, numbers, and underscores; other characters are not allowed.
The label must be less than or equal to 12 characters.
The second<QString> or <Block> is a complete sequence of program messages.
The messages can contain only valid commands that must be separated by
semicolons and must follow all rules for concatenating commands. The sequence
must be less than or equal to 256 characters.
EXECUTE;:SELECT:CH1 ON" denes an alias named "ST1" that sets
up the oscilloscope.
ALIAS:DEFINE? "ST1" returns :ALIAS:DEFINE "ST1",#246
ALIas:DELEte (No Query Form)
Removesaspecied alias and is identical to ALIas:DELEte:NAMe. An error
message is generated if the named alias does not exist.
Group Alias
Syntax ALIas:DELEte <QString>
Related Commands *ESR?,ALIas:DELEte:ALL
Arguments <QString> is the name of the alias to be removed. Using ALIas:DELEte
without specifying an alias causes an execution error. <QString> must be a
previously dened value.
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-75