Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
DELay measures the time between the middle reference (default = 50%) amplitude
point of the source waveform and the destination waveform. This measurement is
applicable only to the analog channels.
FALL measures the time taken for the falling edge of the first pulse in the
waveform or gated region to fall from a high reference value (default is 90%) to
a low reference value (default is 10%). This m easurement is applicable only
to the analog channels.
FREQuency measures the first cycle in the waveform or gated region. Frequency
is the reciprocal of the period and is measured in hertz (Hz), where 1 Hz = 1
cycle per second.
HIGH measures the High reference (100% level, sometimes called Topline)of a
waveform. This measurement is applicable only to the analog channels.
LOW measures the Low reference (0% level, sometimes called Baseline) of a
waveform. This measurement is applicable only to the analog channels.
MAXimum finds the maximum amplitude. This value is the most positive peak
voltage found. It is measured over the entire waveform or gated region. This
measurement is applicable only to the analog channels.
MEAN amplitude measurement finds the arithmetic mean over the entire waveform
or gated region. This measurement is applicable only to the analog channels.
MINImum finds the minimum amplitude. This value is typically the most negative
peak voltage. It is measured over the entire waveform or gated region. This
measurement is applicable only to the analog channels.
NDUty (negative duty cycle) is the ratio of the negative pulse width to the signal
period, expressed as a percentage. The duty cycle is measured on the first cycle in
the waveform or gated region.
Negative Duty Cycle = ((Negative Width) / Period) ×100%
NEDGECount is the count of negative edges.
NOVershoot (negative overshoot) finds the negative overshoot value over the
entire waveform or gated region. This measurement is applicable only to the
analog channels.
Negative Overshoot = ((Low - Minimum) / Amplitude) × 100%)
NPULSECount is the count of negative pulses.
NWIdth (negative width) measurement is the distance (time) between the middle
reference (default = 50%) amplitude points of a negative pulse. The measurement
is made on the first pulse in the waveform or gated region.
PDUty (positive duty cycle) is the ratio of the positive pulse width to the signal
period, expressed as a percentage. It is measured on the first cycle in the
waveform or gated region.
Positive Duty Cycle = ((Positive Width)/Period) × 100%
2-224 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual