Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Syntax TRIGger:A:VIDeo:STANdard {NTSc|PAL|SECAM|CUSTom|HDtv}
Arguments NTSc sets the oscilloscope to trigger on video signals that meet the NTSC
525/60/2:1 standard (a line rate of 525 lines per frame and a eldrateof60Hz).
PAL sets the oscilloscope to trigger on video signals that meet the NTSC
625/50/2:1 standard (a line rate of 625 lines per frame and a eldrateof50Hz).
SECAM sets the oscilloscope to trigger on video signals that meet the SECAM
CUSTom sets the oscilloscope to trigger on video horizontal scan rate parameters
dened by TRIGger:A:VIDeo:CUSTom:SCAN command.
HDtv sets the oscilloscope to trigger on HDTV video signals that meet standards
denedbytheTRIGger:A:VIDeo:HDtv:FORMat command.
Examples TRIGGER:A:VIDEO:STANDARD NTSC sets the oscilloscope to trigger on
NTSC-standard video signals.
HDTV indicating that the oscilloscope is set to trigger on an HDTV format.
Sets or returns the video eld or line that the trigger detects.
Group Trigger
Syntax TRIGger:A:VIDeo{:SYNC|:FIELD}
Arguments ODD argument sets the oscilloscope to trigger on interlaced video odd elds.
EVEN argument sets the oscilloscope to trigger on interlaced video even elds.
ALLFields argument sets the oscilloscope to trigger on all elds.
ALLLines argument sets the oscilloscope to trigger on all video lines.
NUMERic argument sets the oscilloscope to trigger on the video signal line
specied by the TRIGger:A:VIDeo:LINE command.
2-462 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual