Command Syntax
Queries Queries cause the oscilloscope to return status or setting information. Queries
have the structure:
[:]<Header>[<Space><Argument> [<Comma><Argument>]...]
Youcan specify a query command at any level within the command tree unless
otherwise noted. These branch queries return information about all the mnemonics
below the specied branch or level.
Headers Use the HEADer command to control whether the oscilloscope returns headers as
part of the query response. If header is on, the query response returns command
headers, then formats itself as a valid set command. When header is off, the
response includes only the values. This may make it easier to parse and extract the
information from the response. The table below shows the difference in responses.
Table2-3: Comparison of Header Off and Header On Responses
Query Header Off Header On
TIME? 14:30:00 :TIME“14:30:00”
Clearing the oscilloscope
You can clear the Output Queue and reset the oscilloscope to accept a new
command or query by using the selected Device Clear (DCL) function.
Command Entry
The following rules apply when entering commands:
Youcan enter commands in upper or lower case.
Youca n precede any command with white space characters. White space
characters include any combination of the ASCII control characters 00 through
09 and 0B through 20 hexadecimal (0 through 9 and 11through 32 decimal).
The oscilloscope ignores commands consisting of any combination of white
space characters and line feeds.
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-3