Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Arguments CH<x> is an input channel waveform, where x is the channel number.
MATH<y> is a math waveform. The y variable can be expressed as an integer of 1.
REF<X> is a reference waveform, where x is the reference channel number.
D<X> is a digital waveform. The x variable can be expressed as an integer, where x
is the digital channel number. Digital channels are available only on MSO models.
Examples MEASUREMENT:IMMED:SOURCE2 REF3 sets the waveform in reference memory
location 3 as the delay "to" source when making delay measurements.
:MEASUREMENT:IMMED:SOURCE2 MATH1 indicating that Math1 is the
immediate measurement source.
MEASUrement:IMMed:SOUrce<x>For SOURce1: Sets or returns the source for all single channel measuremen ts. For
delay or phase measurements, sets or returns the waveform to measure "from".
For SOUrce2: Sets or returns the waveform to measure "to" when taking a delay
measurement or phase measurement.
Group Measurement
Syntax MEASUrement:IMMed:SOUrce<x> {CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|MATH|D<x>}
Arguments CH1–CH4 or MATH is the source waveform.
D<X> is a digital waveform. The x variable can be expressed as an integer, where x
is the digital channel number. Digital channels are available only on MSO models.
MEASUrement:IMMed:TYPeSets or returns the immediate measurement type.
Digital channel measurements do not have a user-settable midRef threshold. If
you specify a digital channel measurement that is not available on MSO models,
measurement error 2200: measurement system error occurs and 9.9e37 is returned.
Group Measurement
2-210 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual