Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Table2-40: Advanced Math expression elements (cont.)
Expression Description
FFT( , INTG( , DIFF( Executesa FastF ourier Transform,
integration, or differentiation operation on the
expression that follows. The FFT operator
must be the first (left-most) operator in an
expression. All these operations must end
with a right parenthesis.
AMPlitude( , AREa( , BURst( , CARea(
CMEan( , CRMs( , DELay( , FALL( ,
FREQuency( , HIGH( , LOW( , MAXimum( ,
MEAN( , MINImum( , NDUty( , NOVershoot(
, NWIdth( , PDUTy( , PERIod(, PHAse(
PK2pk( , POVershoot( , PWIdth( , RISe( ,
RMS(, !(
Executes the selected measurement
operation on the waveform (active or
reference) that follows. All these operations
must end with a right parenthesis.
Executes trigonometric and other functions.
All these operations must end with a right
VAR1, VA R2 Adds the user-defined variable to the
expression. Refer totheMATHVAR<x>
+,-,*,/ Executes an addition, subtraction,
multiplication, or division operation on the
following expression. + and - are also unary;
use - to negate the expression that follows.
<, >, <=, >=, ==, ≠,||,&& Executesrelational and logical operations.
(), Parentheses provide a way to control
evaluation order in an expression. The
comma is used to separate the "from"
and "to" waveforms in Delay and Phase
measurement operations.
1-0 , . , E Specifies a numeric value in (optional)
scientific notation.
Examples MATH1:DEFINE" CH1+CH2" adds the Ch 1 waveform and Ch 2 waveform,
storing the results in Math 1.
MATH:DEFINE? might return :MATH1:DEFINE "CH2*REF2" as the expression
that defines Math 1.
MATH[1]:HORizontal:POSitionSets or returns the math horizontal display position for FFT or (non-live) math
reference waveforms.
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-199