Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Syntax HARDCopy {START}
Related Commands *WAI,*CLS
Arguments START sends a block of data representing the current screen image to
the requested port. The data sent is in the image format specified by the
SAVe:IMAGe:FILEFormat command and the compression level is controlled
by the selected format (BMP and TIFF are uncompressed where as PNG is
compressed). The SAVe:IMAGe:INKSaverdetermines whether the data sent is
in InkSaver mode.
NOTE. The Hardcopy command with no argumentsis equivalent to pressing the
“HardCopy” button on the frontpanel, when the data is sent to the printer. As
there is no frontpanel equivalent of the HARDCOPY START, you can choose to
save the images to a different location using the “SAVE”button.
Examples HARDCOPY initiates a screen copy to the active printer.
HARDCopy:ACTIVeprinterSets or returns the currently active printer. When a hard copy operation is
performed, the output will be sent to this printer. One of two methods of
specifying the printer can be used: specifying an index value obtained from
looking at the list of attached printers or by specifying the printer name.
Group Hard Copy
Syntax HARDCopy:ACTIVeprinter {<NR1>|<name>}
Arguments <NR1> is the index of the desired printer as returned from HARDCopy:PRINTer:
<name> is the name of the printer as specified in the printer list. This name is case
sensitive and must be entered exactly as shown in the list.
HARDCopy:INKSaverChanges hard copy output to print traces and graticule on a white background
while retaining waveform color information (except for channel 1, which prints as
2-182 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual