Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Syntax SEARCH:SEARCH<x>:TRIGger:A:BUS:B<x>:I2C:CONDition
Arguments STARt specifies a search based on a start condition.
STOP specifies a search based on a stop condition.
REPEATstart specifies a search based on a repeat of start condition.
ACKMISS specifies a search based on a missing acknowledgement condition.
ADDRess specifies a search based on an address.
DATA specifies a search based on a data condition.
ADDRANDDATA specifies a search based on an address and data condition.
SEARCH:SEARCH<x>:TRIGger:A:BUS:B<x>:I2C:DATa:DIRectionSets or returns the I2C search condition to be valid on a Read, Write, or Either
condition. SEARCH<x> is the search number and B<x> is the bus number.
Conditions This command requires a DPO4EMBD application module.
Group Search
Syntax SEARCH:SEARCH<x>:TRIGger:A:BUS:B<x>:I2C:DATa:DIRection
Arguments READ specifies a read condition.
WRITE specifies a write condition.
NOCARE specifies either a read or write condition.
SEARCH:SEARCH<x>:TRIGger:A:BUS:B<x>:I2C:DATa:SIZeSets or returns the length of the data string in bytes to be used for an I2C trigger
search if the search condition is DATAor ADDRANDDATA.SEARCH<x> is the
search number and B<x> is the bus number.
Conditions This command requires a DPO4EMBD application module.
2-352 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual