Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Syntax SELect:BUS<x> {<NR1>|OFF|ON}
Turns the display of the channel <x> waveform on or off, where <x > is the
channel number. This command also resets the acquisition. The query returns
whether the channel is on or off but does not indicate whether it is the selected
Group Vertical
Syntax SELect:CH<x> {ON|OFF|<NR1>}
Arguments ON turns on the display of the specied waveform. This waveform also becomes
the selected waveform.
OFF turns off the display of the specied waveform.
<NR1> = 0 turns off the display of the specied waveform; any other value turns
on the display of the specied waveform.
Examples SELECT:CH2 ON turns the channel 2 waveform display on, and selects channel 2.
SELECT:CH1? might return :SELECT:CH1 1 indicating that channel 1 is being
Sets or returns the waveform that is the recipient of future channel-related
commands, for example, the cursor commands. The command form also performs
the equivalent of a SELect:CH<x> ON command, as well as the Math, Reference,
and Bus variations of that command.
Group Vertical
Syntax SELect:CONTROl {CH<x>|MATH|BUS<x>}
Arguments CH<x> species a channel waveform as the waveform affected by the front-panel
controls. <x> is the channel number.
2-384 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual