Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Arguments CH<x> species one input channel as the edge source, where <x> = 1, 2, 3 or 4.
MATH species the math waveform as the search source.
REF species the reference waveform as the search source.
Sets or returns the condition for generating a pulse width search to determine
where to place a mark. <x> is the search number.
Group Search
Arguments LESSThan places a mark if the pulse width is less than the time set by the
SEARCH:SEARCH<x>:TRIGger:A:PULSEWidth:WIDth command.
Than places a mark if the pulse width is true longer than the specied time set by
the SEARCH:SEARCH<x>:TRIGger:A:PULSEWidth:WIDth command.
EQUal places a mark if the pulse width is equal to the time set by the
SEARCH:SEARCH<x>:TRIGger:A:PULSEWidth:WIDth command within a
tolerance of ±5%.
UNEQual places a mark if the pulse width is unequal to the time the time set by
the SEARCH:SEARCH<x>:TRIGger:A:PULSEWidth:WIDth command within a
tolerance of ±5%.
Sets or returns the pulse width setting for a pulse width trigger search to determine
where to place a mark. <x> is the search number.
Group Search
Arguments <NR3> is the pulse width.
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-373