Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Arguments CH1–CH4 specifies one input channel as the edge source.
MATH specifies the math waveform as the search source.
SEARCH:SEARCH<x>:TRIGger:A{:TRANsition|:RISEFall}:WHEnSets or returns the condition setting for an transition trigger search to determine
where to place a mark. <x> is the search number.
Syntax SEARCH:SEARCH<x>:TRIGger:A{:TRANsition|:RISEFall}:WHEn
Arguments FASTer sets the trigger to occur when the transitioning signal is faster than the set
volts/second rate.
SLOWer sets the trigger to occur when the transitioning signal is slower than
the set volts/second rate.
EQual sets the trigger to occur when the transitioning signal is equal to the set
volts/second rate within a ±5% tolerance.
UNEQual sets the trigger to occur when the transitioning signal is not equal to
the set volts/second rate ±5%.
SEARCH:SEARCH<x>:TRIGger:A:TYPeSets or returns the trigger type setting for a search to determine where to place a
mark. <x> is the search number.
Group Search
{EDGe|SETHold|PULSEWidth|RUNt|TRANsition|LOGIc|BUS (with the
appropriate application module installed)}
Arguments RUNt triggers when a pulse crosses the first preset voltage threshold but does not
cross the second preset threshold before recrossing the first. The thresholds are
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-381