Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Syntax DPO Models:
TRIGger:A:SETHold:DATa:SOUrce <wfm>
MSO Models:
TRIGger:A:SETHold:DATa:SOUrce <wfm>[,<wfm>] [,<wfm>]
[,<wfm>] [,<wfm>] [,<wfm>] [,<wfm>] [,<wfm>] [,<wfm>]
[,<wfm>] [,<wfm>] [,<wfm>] [,<wfm>] [,<wfm>] [,<wfm>]
[,<wfm>] [,<wfm>] [,<wfm>]
Related Commands TRIGger:A:SETHold:CLOCk:SOUrce
Arguments DPO Models:
<wfm> species the source channel number and is one of CH1-CH4, EXT or
MSO Models:
<wfm> species the source channel numbers. Each <wfm> can be one of
CH1-CH4 or D0-D15. Auxin (EXT or AUX) is not valid as a data source.
Examples TRIGGER:A:SETHOLD:DATA:SOURCE CH1 sets channel 1 as the data source
for the setup and hold trigger.
:TRIGGER:A:LOGIC:SETHOLD:DATA:SOURCE CH2 indicating that channel 2 is
the current data source for the setup and hold trigger.
Sets or returns the data voltage threshold for setup and hold trigger.
Group Trigger
Syntax TRIGger:A:SETHold:DATa:THReshold {<NR3>|TTL}
Arguments TTL species the preset TTL high level of 1.4 V.
<NR3> is the setup and hold data level, in V.
Examples TRIGGER:A:SETHOLD:DATA:THRESHOLD TTL species the preset high level of
1.4 V as the current data voltage level for the setup and hold trigger.
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-449