Vertical Communications TeleVantage 7.5 manual Logging on with COMMAND-LINE Switches

Models: TeleVantage 7.5

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You can add various switches to the command line that ViewPoint shortcut uses to start ViewPoint. To change the command line, right-click ViewPoint shortcut icon, choose Properties, and then click the Shortcut tab. The Target field shows the command line.

Add switches to the end of the command line (after the quote mark) with a space before the switch. You can add multiple switches separated by spaces. For example:

“C:\Program Files\TeleVantage\Client\TVViewPoint.exe” /Server:TeleVantage /station=77

The command line switches for ViewPoint are:

Q/allowmultiple. Enables you to run multiple instances of ViewPoint at the same time on your computer.

Q/Server. Syntax: /Server:<Servername>. Example: /Server:TeleVantage. Runs ViewPoint against a specific TeleVantage Server on your network. This is useful when you want to have one ViewPoint session using a Server other than the one your ViewPoint runs against by default.

Q/user /password /showloginoptions. Syntax: /user:<username>

/password:<password> /showloginoptions. Example: /user:Neil Pratt /password:2112. (The three switches can be used separately.) Use to automatically log on to ViewPoint as a specific user. With just /user and /password present, ViewPoint skips the Logon dialog box. To have TeleVantage still display the full Logon dialog box—for example, to change phone information—add /showloginoptions.

Q/station. See the next section.

Q/stationconflict. Syntax: /stationconflict:<ask/ignore>. Example:

/stationconflict:ignore. The ignore option lets you skip the Select Your TeleVantage Phone dialog box when launching ViewPoint with an associated phone other than your default station (see “Using ViewPoint with a different phone or Server” on page 8-4). If you use the ignore option without /stationusage, the default selection is owner (see the next bullet).

Q/stationusage. Syntax: /stationusage:<visitor/owner/forward>. Example:

/stationusage:visitor. Lets you make a selection in the Select Your TeleVantage Phone dialog box as follows:

/stationusage:visitor corresponds to Use station n as a visitor.

/stationusage:owner corresponds to Use <this phone > to place and answer calls.

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Vertical Communications TeleVantage 7.5 Logging on with COMMAND-LINE Switches, Command line switches for ViewPoint are