Customer Service Center
VDN (extension=1021 name=‘‘Customer Serv’’ vector=21)
Vector 21:
1.goto vector 29 if
2.goto vector 29 if
3.goto step 10 if
6.announcement 3521
8.announcement 3522
9.goto step 7 if unconditionally
VDN (extension=1022 name=‘‘Priority Cust’’ vector=22)
Vector 22:
1.goto vector 29 if
2.goto vector 29 if
3.goto step 12 if
5.announcement 3521
9.announcement 3522
11.goto step 7 if unconditionally
Vector 29:
1.announcement extension 3529
3.disconnect after announcement 3529
Figure 11-1. Example 1: Customer Service Center
First, let’s assume that a priority customer places a call. In such a case, if the correct number is dialed, vector 22 is accessed. The first two steps of this vector determine if the call arrives during nonbusiness hours. If the call arrives between 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. on any given day, Step 1 routes the call to Vector 29. Step 2 does the same if the call arrives during the weekend (that is, between 5:00 p.m. Friday and 8:00 a.m. Monday). If vector 29 is accessed, the caller is given the appropriate announcement twice (Steps 1 and 3) and is then disconnected (Step 3).
If the call is placed during business hours, Step 3 of vector 22 determines if the number of calls queued in the main split exceeds 10. If so, control is sent to Step 12, which routes the call to the attendant. If not, the call is queued to the main split (Step 4). Thereafter, if necessary, the appropriate announcement is provided (Step 5), followed by a wait period (Step 6).
If the call is not answered by this time, Steps 7 and 8 attempt to queue the call to
abackup split (2 and 3, respectively). The call is queued to either split if the oldest call therein has been waiting fewer than 20 seconds. Whether or not the
Issue 4 September 1995