Basic Call Vectoring
4-6 Issue 4 September 1995
processing stops, the call is dropped. Feedback also continues while a call is
queued to a converse split, that is, any split routed to by a converse-on split
command, and while da ta is being passed to a Voice Response Unit (VRU) (see
the "Voice Response Scripts" section later in this chapter). Finally, feedback also
continues during the wait period before the connection of an announcement
and/or a Touch-Tone Receiver (TTR). (TTRs are used in conjunction with the Call
Prompti ng feat ure and are discussed in Chapter 5.)
Multiple Audio or Music Sources
With G3V4 an d later releases, you can s p ecify an alternative audio or music
source for a vector
step. This alternative source can be any extension
number that is administered on the Announcements/Audio Sources form. For
instructions for enterin g an audio or music source on this form see
Communication System Generic 3 Version 4 Implementation
, 555-230-655 or
DEFINITY Co m munication System Ge neric 3 V2/V3 Implementation
With the Multiple Audio/Music Sources feature, you can tailor the
feedbac k t o the int erest s, tast es, or req uirem ent s of the a u dience. You can
provide specific types of music or music with overlays o f advertising that relate to
the service provided by the splits or skills that the vector serves. Or, additional
advertising messages can be heard by the caller as they wait for an available
Let’s look again at our delay announcement. However, this time let’s assign an
alternate audio/music source to the
Figure 4-6. Delay with Multiple Audio/Music Source Feedback
When the wait-time step is encountered, the caller is connected to extension
55558 for 20 seconds. At the end of 20 seconds th e next vector s tep is executed.
The “then” option in the wait-time step specifies what the caller will hear if the
caller cannot be connected to the specified source. Or, when the call is waiting in
queue, the “then” option specifies what the call will hear if the call is not
answered in 20 seconds. In this example, if the call is not answered in 20
seconds, the caller will hear system music until a subsequent
busy, collect, converse-on, disconnect
step is encountered.
You can s p ecify
(system music),
, or
for the
“then” option. When continue is specified, the caller continues to hear the
announcement 2556 (‘‘All of our agents are busy.
Please hold.’’)
wait-time 20 seconds hearing 55558 then music