

receiving and implementing the call route, 9-7receiving feedback about a call, 2-7redirecting calls

methods for, 3-2reducing

caller hold time, 2-17

number of needed agents, 3-6staffing requirements, 2-17transferred calls, 2-17,3-3

removing incorrect digits strings, 5-4reporting

agent handling, 3-7call handling, 3-7

via Basic Call Management System, 3-7via BCMS, 3-7

via CentreVu Call Management System, 3-7via CMS, 3-7



BCMS Split Report, F-15VDN Real-Time Report, F-15VDN Summary Report, F-15


Split Summary Report, F-14VDN Report, F-14

Vector Report, F-15requeuing calls, 3-4requirements

software and hardware for adjunct routing, B-6

for advanced vector routing, B-4for ANI/ii-digits routing, B-5

for basic call vectoring, B-2for call prompting, B-3

for G3V4 enhancements, B-4for look-ahead interflow, B-5

rolling ASA considerations, 6-11split calculation, 6-10VDN calculation, 6-11

rolling average speed of answer, 6-10route validation, 9-7,A-18

route validation failure, 9-7,A-18route-to

look-ahead interflow, 8-1route-to command, A-68

differences between G2 and G3, E-5neutral vector command, 8-8,A-73

summary of conditions for destination types, G-2syntax, A-68

troubleshooting, D-8route-to digits, 3-14route-to number, 3-14

route-to requests

multiple outstanding, 9-8routing, 7-1

ii-digits,7-5uses for, 7-5

routing calls, 1-5,1-6,2-17,3-3,3-13,4-2based on DNIS, 3-6

example table of call distribution via UCD/EAD, 10-21example table of UCD/EAD call scenario, 10-20intelligently, 8-1

overriding specifications, 3-9to an agent, 10-18

delivery from a skill hunt group, 10-18to skill queue

using call prompting, 10-14using expert agent selection, 10-18using super agent pool, 10-15

routing tables, 7-3



main type of problem, I-1method

front-ending remote access, I-2advantages, I-2

replacing remote access, I-2

methods for preventing remote access abuse, I-1preventing unauthorized users access, I-1providing, 3-8

replacing remote access, I-2with EAS, I-3

with expert agent selection, I-3with remote access, I-1

with service observing, I-3

with vector initiated service observing, I-3sending the route call request, 9-2

service observing, 3-11,5-13silence, 3-12

when occurs, 3-5,3-6,3-14skill

definition, 10-5

example table for an auto club, 10-6table for auto club application, 10-16

table of preferences assignments for VDN 1616, 10-16skill call

example table of distribution for a single agent, 10-19skill call queue sequence

example table, 10-19split

backup definition, 3-3

main definition, 3-3

split flows

IN-8Issue 4 September 1995

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AT&T 555-230-520 manual IN-8Issue 4 September