Distributed Call Centers
VDN (extension=1080 name=‘‘New York Office’’ vector=80) Vector 80:
1.goto step 11 if
3.announcement 3580 (‘‘All of our agents
are busy. Please hold and you will be answered by the first available agent.’’)
8.announcement 3581 (‘‘All of our agents
are still busy. Please hold and you will be serviced by the first available agent.’’)
10.goto step 5 if unconditionally
VDN (extension=1081 Name=‘‘Denver Inflow’’ Vector=81)
Vector 81:
1.goto step 7 if
4.announcement 3582 (‘‘We apologize
for the delay. Please hold and you will be serviced by the first available agent.’’)
6.goto step 5 if unconditionally
7.disconnect after announcement none
Figure 11-4. Example 4: Distributed Call Centers
In this example, vector 80 is on the sending switch from a call center in New York, while vector 81 is on the receiving switch at a call center in Denver.
In the sending switch, the call is queued to split 1 at a medium priority (Step 2) if the condition in Step 1 is met. If the condition is not met, the call is routed to busy in Step 11.
If the call is queued but not immediately answered, an announcement (Step 3) and music (Step 4) are provided. If the call is still not answered at this point, Step
5places a
Step 1 in the receiving switch determines whether the call can be serviced in Denver. If the number of calls queued at any priority in split 3 is greater than 10, vector 81 cannot service the call. In such a case, control is passed to Step 7, which rejects the Lookahead Interflow call attempt. However, if the test in Step 1 succeeds, the call is queued by the receiving switch in split 3 at a high priority (Step 3). This results in the Lookahead Interflow call attempt being accepted.
Issue 4 September 1995