Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
LMA Local Mobility Anchor is the home agent for a mobile node in a Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6)
domain. It is the topological anchor point for mobile node home network prefixes and manages the
binding state of an mobile node.
logical link An association between two network elements (based on a c hai n o f physi cal link s bet we en t he
elements); for example, a tunnel.
Mmanaged element A network element that is managed by Prime Network; for example, a device, cloud, or Internet
Control Message Protocol (ICMP) VNE.
MLPPP Multilink PPP is a protocol that connects multiple links between two systems as needed to provide
bandwidth when needed. MLPPP packets are fragmented, and the fragments are sent at the same time
over multiple point-to-point links to the same remote address.
MME Mobility Management Entity is the key control-node for an LTE access network, which works in
conjunction with NodeB(eNodeB), Serving Gateway, or the LTE/SAW core network. It is responsible
for initiating paging and authentication of mobile devices.
Nnetwork clock service The means by which a clock signal is generated or derived and distributed through a network and its
individual nodes for the purpose of ensuring synchronized network op er ation .
network element Any p hysi cal c om pon en t or device i n th e net work t hat can be ma na ged t h rough an I P a ddress.
PPDSN Packet Data Serving Node is a component of the Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) 2000
mobile network. It acts as a connection point between the Radio Access Network (RAN) and IP
physical link A link between physical network objects; for example, a conne cti on bet wee n t wo physi cal port s.
provider The party providing a service.
pseudowire An emulation of a point-to-point connection over a packet-switching network (PSN), wh ich operates
over a uniform packet-based access/aggregation networ
pseudowire headend A tech nology that allows termination of access or aggregation pseduowires into an L2 or L3 domain.
It replaces a 2-node solution with a 1-node solution.