Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 9 Working with Tickets in Prime Network Vision Impact Analysis in Prime Network
Accumulating the Affected Parties in the Correlation Tree
If two or more alarms that are part of the same correlation tree report on the same affected pair of
edgepoints and have different affected severities, the r ecu rrin g affected pairs are displayed only once in
the Affected Parties tab. If different affected severities are reported for the same pair, the pair is marked
with the highest severity.
For example, assume that X and Y are the OIDs of edgepoints in the network, and a service is running
between them. Both alarms, Link B Down and BGP Neighbor L oss, rep ort on t he pa ir X < > Y as
Link B Down reports on X < > Y as potentially affected.
BGP Neighbor Loss reports on X < > Y as real affected.
The affected severity priorities are:
Real—Priority 1
Recovered—Priority 2
Potential—Priority 3
Card Out reports on X < > Y as real, affected only once.
Updating Affected Severity over Time
In some cases, Prime Network updates the affected severity of the same alarm over time because the
effect of the fault on the network cannot be determined unt il the n etwor k has c onverged.
For example, a Link Down alarm creates a series of affect ed severity up date s over ti me . Th es e u pda t es
are added to the previous updates in the system database. In this case, the system provides the following
The first report of a link down reports on X < > Y as potentially affected.
Over time, the VNE identifies that this service is real affected or recovered, and generates an
updated report.
The Affected Parties tab of the Ticket Properties dialog box displays the latest severity as real
The Affected Parties Destination Properties dialog box displays both reported severities.
This functionality is available only in the link-down scenario in MPLS networks.