Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 20 Monitoring MToP Services
Viewing Channelization Properties
Figure 20-11 T3 DS1 Channelization Properties in Physical Inventory
Table 20-13 describes the information that is displayed for Channelized DS1 and DS3 in the content
Table 20-13 Channelized DS1 and DS3 Properties
Field Description
Channelized DS1 Table
Description Path description including the physical interface and the channel
number. Double-click an entry to view additional details about the path.
Physical Port Physical port for the channelized line.
Channelization Type of channelization, such as channelized T3 (CT3) to T1.
Admin Status Administrative status of the channelized line.
Oper Status Operational status of the channelized line.
VDC For devices with multiple virtual contexts, the context associated with
the channelized line.
Clocking Clocking configured on the line: Internal or Line.