Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 20 Monitoring MToP Services Network Clock Service Overview
Viewing SyncE Properties
With Ethernet equipment gradually replacing SONET and SDH equipment in service-provider netwo rks,
frequency synchronization is required to provide high-quality clock synchr onization over Ethernet ports.
Synchronous Ethernet (SyncE), a recently adopted standard, provides the required syn chronization at the
physical level.
In SyncE, Ethernet links are synchronized by timing their bit cl ocks f ro m high- qual ity,
stratum-1-traceable clock signals in the same manner as SONET/SDH. Operations messages maintain
SyncE links, and ensure a node always derives timing from the most reliable sou rce.
For configuring SyncE, see Configuring Clock, page 20-55. To view SyncE properties, choose Logical
Inventory > Clock > SyncE. (See Figure 20-23.)
Virtual CEM Tab
CEM Interface Name Virtual CEM interface associated with the clock.
Recovered Clock Entries Tab This tab appears if recovered entries exist.
Transfer Type In-band—The clocking information is sent over the same
pseudowire as the bearer traffic.
Out-of-band—The clocking information is sent over a
dedicated pseudowire between the sending and receiving
Clock ID Clock identifier, if known.
Clock Mode Clock mode of the recovered clock:
Adaptive—The recovered clock was obtained using ACR.
Primary—The recovered clock was obtained from a clock
with the highest priority.
Secondary—The recovered clock was obtained from a
clock with a lower priority than the primary clock.
Clock Status Status of the clock:
Acquiring—The clock is obtaining clocking information.
Acquired—The clock has obtained the required clocking
Holdover—The current primary clock is invalid and a
holdover timer has started to check whether or not the clock
becomes valid within the specified holdover time.
CEM Group CEM group associated with the clock.
CEM Group ID Identifier of the CEM group associated with the clock.
CEM Interface Name Virtual CEM interface associated with the clock.
Frequency Offset Offset to the clock frequency, in Hz.
Table 20-24 Pseudowire Clock Recovery Properties (continued)
Field Description