Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 25 Monitoring Mobile Technologies
LTE Networks
Viewing the Authentication Configuration Details
To view the Authentication configuration details for a foreign agent:
Step 1 Right-click the required device in Prime Network Vision and choose Inventory.
Step 2 In the logical inventory window, choose Logical Inventory > Context > Mobile > FA > FA
service > Authentication. The details are displayed in the content pane.
Table 25-46 displays the Authentication configuration details.
Table 25-45 Advertisement Configuration Details
Field Description
Advertisement Delay The time delay (in milliseconds) for the first advertisement for a WiMax call.
This time can be any value between 10 and 5000, and defaults to 1000.
Advertisement Interval The advertisement interval time (in milliseconds). This time can be a ny v alue
between 100 and 1800000, and defaults to 5000 milliseconds.
Advertisement Life
Time The maximum registration life time (in seconds) of the advertisement. This
time can be any value between 1 and 65535, and defaults to 600 seconds.
Number of
Advertisements Sent The number of initial agent advertisements sen t. This num ber can be any
value between 1 and 65535, and defaults to 5.
Prefix Length Extension Indicates whether the service address of the FA must be included in the
Router Address field of the agent advertisement. If this field is set to Yes,
then a prefix-length extension is appended to the router address field. By
default, this option is set to No.
Table 25-46 Authentication Configuration Details
Field Description
Authentication Policy The MN AAA Authentication policy, which can be any one of the following:
• Ignore-after-hand off
• Init-reg
• Init-reg-except-handoff
• Always
• Renew-reg-noauth
• Renew-and-dereg-noauth
This field defaults to Always.
MN HA Authentication
Policy The policy to authenticate Mobile Node HA in the RRP, which can be any
one of the following:
• Always
• Allow-noauth
This field defaults to Allow-noauth.