Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 15 Monitoring Ethernet Operations, Administration, and Maintenance Tool Properties
Viewing Connectivity Fault Management Properties
Figure 15-2 CFM Maintenance Intermediate Points Tab
Table 15-4 describes the information that is displayed in the Maintenance Intermediate Points table.
Step 4 To view the details of a specific maintenance domain, do one of the following:
Choose Logical Inventory > CFM > domain.
Double-click the required entry in the Maintenance Domains table.
Figure 15-3 shows an example of the information displayed for the maintenanc e do ma in.
Table 15-4 CFM Maintenance Intermediate Point Properties
Field Description
Interface Interface configured as a MIP, hyperlinked to its entry in physical
MAC Address MAC address of the interface.
Inner VLANs Inner VLAN identifiers.
VLANs VLANs associated with the interface.
Auto Created W het her o r not th e M IP was au to mat ical ly c reat ed: True or Fals e.
Level Unique level the domain is managed on. Values range from 0 to 7.