Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 22 Monitoring AAA Configurations Viewing AAA Configurations in Prime Network Vision
Viewing Radius Configuration Details for an AAA Group
To view the radius configuration details for an AAA group:
Step 1 Right-click on the required device and choose the Inventory option.
Step 2 In the Inventory window, choose Logical Inventory > Context > AAA > AAA Groups > AAA
Group > Radius Configuration. The configurations made for accounting, authentication, charging, and
charging accounting servers are displayed in the respective tabs on the content pane. Click on the tabs
to view more details.
Table 22-7 describes the radius configuration details for accounting, authenticat ion, cha rging, a nd
charging accounting servers.
Viewing Radius Accounting Configuration Details for an AAA Group
To view the radius accounting configuration details for an AAA group:
Step 1 Right-click on the required device and choose the Inventory option.
Step 2 In the Inventory window, choose Logical Inventory > Context > AAA > AAA Groups > AAA
Group > Radius Configuration > Accounting Configuration. The accounting configuration details
are displayed in the content pane.
Table 22-7 Radius Configuration
Field Name Description
Dictionary The radius dictionary.
Strip Domain Indicates whether the domain must be stripped from the user n ame prior
to authentication or accounting.
Validation Indicates whether the MD5 authentication of the user is enabled or
Allow Server Down
Authentication Indicates whether subscriber sessions are allowed when RADIUS
authentication is unavailable.
Allow Server Down
Accounting Indicates whether subscriber sessions are allowed when RADIUS
accounting is unavailable.
Accounting Servers/Authentication Servers/Charging Servers/Charging Accounting Servers
Server Name IP address of the RADIUS server.
Server Port Port used to communicate with the RADIUS server.
Preference Preference of the RADIUS server.
Operational State Status of the RADIUS server.
Administrative Status Administrative status of the RADIUS server.
Retain Administrative
Status after Reboot Indicates whether the administrative status must be retained when the
system reboots.
Representative Group Name of the Keepalive representative group.