Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 2 Working with the Prime Network Vision Client The Prime Network Vision Window
Table 2-7 describe s the network elemen t properti es displaye d in the Networ k Element s tab. (Locked
network elements display only managed element information and the locked eleme nt icon.) To ensure
that you are viewing the latest information, either perform a new sear ch or cl ick the R efre sh button.
Table 2-6 Prime Network Vision List View Tabs
Tab Description
Aggregations Aggregations in the current map.
Connection TP Connection termination points (TPs) in the current map.
EFP Cross-Connect EFP cross-connects in the current map.
Ethernet Flow Points EFPs in the current map.
Ethernet Services Ethernet services in the current map.
EVCs EVCs in the current map.
Network Elements Network elements in the current map that are in the user’s scope.
Network Pseudowire Network pseudowires in the current map.
Network TP Tunnel Network Traffic Profile (TP) tunnels in the current map.
Pseudowires Pseudowires in the current map.
Pseudowire Edge Pseudowire endpoi nts in t he c urre nt map.
PW Switching Entity Pseudowire switching entities in the current map.
Restricted Elements Network elements in the current map that are not in the user’s scope.
Sites Sites for the selected VLAN. Site properties include site name, description,
location, and IP interface.
Switching Entities Switching entities in the current map.
Virtual Routers Virtual routers on the selected VLAN. Virtual router properties include the
virtual router name and description.
VLANs VLANs in the current map. VLAN properties include VLAN name,
identifier, description, and Ethernet flow points.
VPLS Forward VPLS forwards in the current map.
VPLS Instance VPLS instances in the current map.
VPNs VPNs in the current map. VPN properties include VPN na me and description
Table 2-7 Network Element Information Displayed in List View
Field Name Description
Name Name of the network element managed by Cisco, as defined in Cisco Prime
Network Administration. The Name property also displays a n etwork
element icon. The icon color reflects the highest network element alarm
severity. In addition, the management state or an alarm icon is displayed.
IP Address IP address used for managing the network element.
System Name System name of the network element, as defined in the network ele ment 's
MIB. If the network element is configured for Telnet access, the prompt is
Severity Current operational health of the network element.