Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 4 Device Configurations and Software Images Global Settings and Administration
Notes on Exclude CommandsExclude commands are inherited; in other words, if three exclude comm ands are spe cified for C isco
routers, all devices is any of the Cisco router families will exclude those three commands when
comparing configuration files.
Caution Exclude commands configured for a device family (such as Cisco 7200 Routers) will be applied to all
device types in that family (Cisco 7201, Cisco 7204, Cisco 7204VXR, an d so f orth) .
When you are working in the Exclude Commands GUI, your current selection will be highlighted in
green. All exclude commands applied to that selection will be listed below the device selector. When
Prime Network compares the router configuration files, it will exclude all of the co mman ds listed in the
Device Commands field. If a series is selected (example, Cisco 7200 Series), the commands listed in the
Series Commands field will be excluded and so on.
The following procedure describes how to configure exclude commands .
Step 1 Choose Configurations > Settings.
Step 2 In the Exclude Commands area, navigate and choose one of the following (your selection is highl ighted
in green):
• A device category
• A device series
• A device type
Step 3 Enter a comma-separated list of commands you want to exclude w hen comparing configuration files for
that device category, series, or type. You can also edit an existing list of commands.
Your entries change to red until they are saved, and all affected device types, series, or categories are
indicated in bold font.
Step 4 If you want a device type to ignore the parent commands (that i s, the ser ies and c ategor y co mm and s),
check the Ignore Above check box.
Step 5 Click Save to save your changes.
Exclude Commands
(Device Selector) Selected devices to which the exclude commands should be applied (that is, the commands will not
be considered when comparing any type of device configuration files). The current selection is
highlighted in green. All exclude commands applied to that selection will be listed below the device
selector. See Notes on Exclude Commands, page 4-65.
Category Commands Comma-separated list of commands to be excluded when comparing device configurations for any
devices in this category (for example, all Cisco routers)
Series Commands Comma-separated list of commands to be excluded when comparing device configurations for any
devices in this series (for example, all Cisco 7200 series routers)
Device Commands Comma-separated list of commands to be excluded when comparing device configurations for any
devices of this same device type (for example, all Cisco 7201 router s)
Table 4-8 Configuration Archive Global Settings (continued)
Field Description