Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 25 Monitoring Mobile Technologies
Mobile Technologies Commands: Summary
Create Route
Access List Context >
Commands >
Configuration >
Route Map and
Route Access
Access lists are a set of rules, organized in a rule table and are
used to filter and identify traffic.
Use this command to create a new access list.
Create Route
Map Route maps are similar to access lists; they both have criteria for
matching the details of certain packets and an action of
permitting or denying those packets. Unlike access lists, though,
route maps can add to each "match" criterion a "set" criterion that
actually changes the packet in a specified manner, or changes
route information in a specified manner.
Use this command to create a route map.
Delete Route
Access List Use this command to delete a route access list.
Delete Route
Map Use this command to delete a route map.
Modify Route
Access List Use this command to modify a route access list.
Modify Route
Map Use this command to modify a route map.
Subscribers Context >
Commands >
Configuration >
Use this command to create a new subscriber.
Subscriber Use this command to delete a subscriber.
Subscriber Use this command to modify subscriber details.
Show APN Context >
Commands >
Use this command to view and confirm the APN configuration
Show DHCP Use this command to view and confirm the DHCP configuration
Show EGTP Use this command to view and co nfirm t he E G TP co nfigura ti on
List Use this command to view and confirm the HA SPI List details.
Show HA
Service Use this command to view and confirm the home agent service
Show IP Pool Use this command to view and confirm the IP Pool configuration
Show License Use this command to view and confirm the License details.
Show Route
Access List Use this command to view and confirm the Access list details.
Show Route
Map Use this command to view and confirm the Route Map details.
Subscriber Use this command to view and confirm the Subscriber details.
Command Navigation Description