Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 8 Tracking Faults Using Prime Ne t work Events
Viewing Events and Tickets in Cisco Prime Network Events
System Events
System events are related to the everyday working of the internal system and its components, such as
alarm thresholds, disk space and AVMs.
The System tab displays the following parameters
For more information about the system error and event messages displayed in this tab, see Cisco Prime
Network 4.0 Supported System and Security Events.
Service Events
Service events are network events such as link down events, adaptive polling events, BGP neighbor loss
events, and so on.
The Service tab displays the following parameters that specifically relate to service events.
For more information about the service alarms that are displayed in this tab, see Cisco Prime Network
4.0 Supported Service Alarms.
Table 8-6 System Tab
Column Description
Severity Icon indicating the severity of the alarm on the event (the c olor and t ype
of alarm are displayed in the Properties window Severity field). See
Event Severity Indicators, page 8-3.
Event ID Identifier of the event, assigned sequentially.
Time Date and time when the event happened and was logged and recorded.
Description Description of the event, such as “AVM 77 is shutting down. Unit =”
Location Entity that triggered the event.
Table 8-7 Service Tab
Column Description
Element Type The type of element that triggered the root event, e.g., Cisc o 760 6.
Alarm ID Hyperlinked identifier of the alarm associated with the event. Click the
link to view the Ticket Properties window.
Ticket ID Hyperlinked identifier of the ticket associated with the event. Click the
link to view the Ticket Properties window.
Causing Event ID Identifier of the causing event.
Duplication Count For network events, the duplication count is calculated by the VNE and
pertains only to flapping events. The duplication count r ep re sen ts the
number of noncleared events aggregated by the flapping event.
Reduction Count For network events, the reduction count is calculated by the VNE and
pertains only to flapping events. The reduction count represents the
number of events that are aggregated by the flapping event.