Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 26 Monitoring Data Center Configurations
Viewing the Compute Server Support Details
Cores The number of cores used by the blade server.
Used Speed The actual used speed of the processor, in GHz.
Rated Speed The rated speed of the processor, in GHz.
RAM Size The RAM size of the processor, in GB.
NvRAM Size The NvRAM Size of the processor, in GB.
Memory Slot Properties tab
Slot Name The name of the memory slot.
Speed The memory slot speed, in GHz.
Memory Capacity The maximum memory capacity of the hard drive, in GB.
Serial Number The serial number of the memory slot.
Status The status of the memory slot.
Hard Drive Properties
Model Name The model name of the hard drive.
Storage Capacity The total storage capacity of the hard drive, in GB.
Free Space The total space available for usage in the hard drive.
isFRU Indicates whether the hard drive is removable.
Drive Type T he type of hard drive, which can be any on e of the foll owing:
Fixed Disk
RAM Disk
Flash Memory
Network Disk
Removable Disk
Status The status of the hard drive.
Hypervisor tab
Fault Tolerance Version The fault tolerance version of the hypervisor.
Uuid The unique ID of the hypervisor.
Model The model of the hypervisor.
EvcMode The Enhanced vMotion Capability (Evc) mode of the hypervisor.
Virtual Data Center
Name The name of the virtual data center of the hypervisor.
Isv Motion Enabled Indicates whether the Lsv motion is enabled.
MAC Address The MAC address of th e hype rv isor.
Fault Tolerance Enabled Indicates whether fault tolerance service is enabled or not. This service
provides continuous availability by protecting the primary virtual
machine with a secondary virtual machine that runs simultaneously on
a separate host.
Software Type The type of software used by the hypervisor.
Table 26-12 Blade Server Configuration Details (continued)
Field Name Description