Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
update global configuration 18-54
MPLS-TP tunnels
adding to maps 18-5
applying overlays 18-16
BFD sessions, viewing properties 18-49
discovery 18-5
labeling 18-54
locking and unlocking (bulk) 18-56
LSP lockout state 18-6
overview 18-4
properties 18-7
viewing 18-7
working with 18-4
MSID configuration (PDSN) 25-98
ATM cross-connects 20-6
ATM VPI properties 20-10
CEM interfaces 20-49
groups 20-50
viewing 20-50
virtual, viewing 20-50
channelized lines 20-17
encapsulation information 20-11
IMA groups 20-13
MLPPP link properties 20-29
MLPPP properties 20-26
network clock service 20-34
pseudowire clock recovery properties 20-41
SONET/SDH channelization properties 20-18
Synchronous Ethernet (SyncE), viewing
properties 20-45
T3 DS1 and DS3 channelization properties 20-21
TDM 20-16, 20-17
user roles required 20-1
CESoPSN pseudowire properties 20-3
SAToP pseudowire properties 20-2
multicast configurations 19-2
multicast node 19-2
multicast profiles
iPv4 19-4
iPv6 19-5
PIM 19-7
multicast protocols 19-4
overview 19-1
routing entities 19-10
supported network elements 19-1
user roles required 19-2
multicast label switching. See mLDP
multi-chassis devices, viewing 5-19
Multichassis LACP. See mLACP
multiple links badge 3-8, A-22
multiplex services, discovery of 12-106
narrowband channels (cable) 27-8
NAT 64 forwarding, add (command) 13-6
NDP table 18-34
NEIM. See Image Management
network clock service
applying an overlay 20-48
clock service properties 20-35
overview 20-34
PTP interface 20-37
PTP service 20-36
network elements
adding to aggregations 5-18
aggregations 5-16
CPU usage, checking 5-27
icons 2-10, A-2
information displayed in icons 3-3
in maps 5-16
management state (VNEs) 2-19
pinging 5-28
severity indicators and network elements 2-18
status indicators 2-17
Telnet to 5-28