Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 25 Monitoring Mobile Technologies Viewing Operator Policies, APN Remaps, and APN Profiles
Viewing Additional Characteristics of an APN Profile
To view additional characteristics of an APN profile:
Step 1 Right-click the required device in Prime Network Vision and choose Inventory.
Step 2 In the logical inventory window, choose Logical Inventory > local > Mobile > Profile > APN
Profiles > APN Profile.
Minimum Transfer
Delay Minimum transfer delay, in milliseconds.
Residual BER Undetected bit error ratio (BER) in the delivered SDUs.
MBR Map Down Attribute that maps or converts the received HLR maximum bit rate (MBR)
(from value) to a locally configured downlink MBR value (to value).
MBR Map Up Attribute that maps or converts the received HLR MBR (from value) to a
locally configured uplink MBR value (to value).
Uplink Traffic Policing Entries/Downlink Traffic Policing Entries
Traffic Class Traffic class of the QoS configuration.
Burst Size Auto
Readjust Indicates whether the auto readjustment of b urs t si z e is en ab led o r di sab le d.
This parameter is used in dynamic burst size calculation, for traffic policing,
at the time of PDP activation or modification.
Burst Size Auto
Readjust Duration The burst size readjustment duration in seconds. This parameter indicates the
number of seconds that the dynamic burst size calculation will last for. This
allows the traffic to be throttled at the negotiated rates.
Peak Burst Size (bytes) The peak burst size allowed, in bytes, for the uplink/downlink direction and
QoS class.
Guaranteed Burst Size
(bytes) The guaranteed burst size allowed, in bytes, for the uplink/downlink
direction and QoS class.
Exceed Action The action to be taken on pack ets that exceed the co mmitted data rate, b ut do
not violate the peak data rate. The action could be one of the fol lowing:
Lower IP Precedence
Transmi t
Violate Action Th e a ction to be t ak e n on p ack e ts th at exceed both committed and peak data
rates. The action could be one of the following:
Lower IP Precedence
Transmi t
Table 25-73 APN Profile Properties in Logical Inventory (continued)
Field Description