Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
alarm and ticket A-22
badges A-19
business elements 2-11, A-4
information displayed for elements 3-3
links A-10, A-11
logical inventory 3-30, A-7
management states A-19
management states (VNE) 2-19
maps 18-20
network elements 2-10, A-2
physical inventory A-10
Prime Network Events A-13
Prime Network Vision A-1
reconciliation 3-9
reference A-1
REP 12-63
severities A-13
severity, color coding 2-18
sizes 3-3
tickets 2-23
VLAN domains 12-63
VLAN overlays 12-63
See also buttons
Image Management
add images to repository 4-27
Cisco IOS XR 4-37
activate and deactivate packages 4-39
add packages 4-38
commit packages 4-41
considerations 4-37
delete packages 4-39
roll back packages 4-42
satellites 4-40
clean up repository 4-44
clear flash (distributing images) 4-33
delete packages from repository 4-44
distributing images to devices 4-29
global settings 4-66
overview 4-2
repository 4-27
setup tasks 4-7
upgrade analysis and 4-29
user roles required 4-69
See also CCM
IMA group, viewing properties 20-13
impact analysis
accumulating affected parties 9-18
affected severities 9-17
automatic mode 9-17
links and 6-12
proactive mode 9-17
Initializing (VNE management state) 2-19
Inter-Chassis Communication Protocol (ICCP), viewing
properties 12-29
add interface configuration
add loopback interface 1-8
configure secondary IP address (MPLS) 18-54
create interface (MPLS) 18-54
create IP interface 27-12
delete interface (MPLS) 18-54
delete IP interfaces 27-12
delete secondary IP address (MPLS) 18-54
disable interfaces
enable interfaces
modify interface (MPLS) 18-54
modify IP interfaces 27-12
remove interface configuration 1-8
show IP interface brief 1-9
show IP route 1-9
update interface configuration 1-8
viewing in physical inventory 3-19
inventory window
content pane 3-13