Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 12 Monitoring Carrier Ethernet Services Working with Ethernet Flow Point Cross-Connects
Figure 12-41 Local Switching Table in Logical Inventory
Table 12-36 describes the information displayed for the EFP cross-connects in the Local Switchi ng
Table .
Table 12-36 EFP Cross-Connect Properties in Local Switching Table
Field Description
Key Entry key for the cross-connect group.
Entry Status Status of the cross-connect: Down, Unresolved, or Up.
Segment 1 Identifier of the first cross-connect segment, hyperlinked to the
relevant entry in physical inventory.
Segment 1 Port Name Identifier of the first cross-connect segment port.
Segment 1 Status Status of the first cross-connect segment, such as Admin Up, Admin
Down, Oper Down, or Up.
Segment 2 Identifier of the second cross-connect segment, hyperlinked to the
relevant entry in physical inventory.
Segment 2 Port Name Identifier of the second cross-connect segment port.
Segment 2 Status Status of the second cross-connect segment, such as Admin Up,
Admin Down, Oper Down, or Up.