Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 17 IPv6 and IPv6 VPN over MPLS
Viewing IPv6 Information
The IP addresses that appear depend on whether the interface ha s o nly I Pv4 a ddresse s, on l y IP v6
addresses, or both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, as shown in Table 17-4.
Note the following when working with IPv6 addresses:
MPLS label switching entries and Label Switching Entities (LSEs) do not display IPv6 addresses.
However, the Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) table does display IPv6 addresses.
Prime Network supports all the textual presentations of address prefixes. However, Prime Network
Vision displays both the IP address and the subnet prefix, for example:
12AB::CD30:123:4567:89AB:CDEF, 12AB:0:0:CD30::/60
Note Interfaces or subinterfaces that do not have IP addresses are not discovered and t herefore are not shown
in Prime Network Vision.
Figure 17-1 shows a port inventory view of a port with IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. In t his examp le, on e
IPv4 address and multiple IPv6 addresses are provisioned on the interface.
The primary IPv4 address appears in the interface table and pr opert ie s wi ndow. If secondary IPv4
addresses were provisioned on the interface, they would appear in the pr opert ie s wind ow.
IPv6 addresses provisioned on the interface appear in the properties window and Sub Interfaces tab.
Physical Inventory
Port IPv6 addresses appear in the Subinterfaces tab and interface
properties popup window.
Table 17-3 IPv6 Information in Inventory (continued)
Inventory Location Description
Table 17-4 IP Addresses Displayed in the Interface Table and Properties Window
Addresses Interface Table Properties Window
IPv4 only Prima ry IPv4 ad dress The primary IPv4 address and any secondary IPv4
IPv6 only Lowest IPv6 ad dress All IPv6 addresses.
IPv6 and IPv4 Primary IPv4 address All IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.