Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Working with Reports
Cisco Prime Network (Prime Network) provides a Report Manager that enables you to sche du le,
generate, view, and export reports of the information managed by Prime Network. You can save the
generated reports in any of the following formats: PDF, CSV, HTML, XLS, and XML.
In addition to a variety of standard reports for events and inventory, you can define reports as req uire d
for your environment. The following topics discuss the Report Manager and r ep orts in m ore de tail :
User Roles Required to Manage Reports, page 10-1
Using the Report Manager, page 10-4
Report Categories, page 10-11
Generating Reports, page 10-22
Scheduling Reports, page 10-38
Managing Reports, page 10-39
Defining Report Types, page 10-45
Managing Report Folders, page 10-45
Note Besides using the Standard Reports tool, you could also generate reports using the new Prime Network
Operations Reports tool. For more information on Operations Reports, see Prime Network Operations
Reports User Guide.

User Roles Required to Manage Reports

This topic identifies the roles that are required to manage reports. Prime Network determines whether
you are authorized to perform a task as follows:
For GUI-based tasks (tasks that do not affect elements), authorization is based on the default
permission that is assigned to your user account.
For element-based tasks (tasks that do affect elements), authorization is based on the default
permission that is assigned to your account. That is, wheth er the element is in one of your assigned
scopes and whether you meet the minimum security level for that scope.
For more information on user authorization, see the Cisco Prime Network 4.0 Administrator Guide.