Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 1 Setting Up Devices and Using the GUI Clients Setting Up Devices and Validating Device Information
Note You might be prompted to enter your device access credentials. Once you have entered them, th ese
credentials will be used for every subsequent execution of a command in the same GUI cli ent session. If
you want to change the credentials, click Edit Credentials. Edit Cred entials b utton will not be a v ailable
for SNMP commands or if the command is scheduled for a late r ti me.
These topics describe the available commands:
• Configure Basic Device Settings: Name, DNS, NTP, RADIUS, TACACs, ACLs, page 1-5
• Configure SNMP and SNMP Traps on Device, page 1-7
• Configure Device Ports and Interfaces, page 1-7
• View Device and VRF Routing Tables and Device Interface Briefs, page 1-9
• Ping Destinations and VRFs, and View Trace Route from Device, page 1-9
• Change Device Syslog Logging Level, page 1-9
• View, Copy, and Overwrite Device Configuration Files, page 1-10
• View Users (Telnet Sessions) on Device, page 1-10
Configure Basic Device Settings: Name, DNS, NTP, RADIUS, TACACs, ACLsUse the following commands to configure system-level settings on the real device. Unless otherwise
noted, all of the following commands are launched by right -cl icking t he device a nd c hoo sing
Commands > Configuration > System.
These commands can be executed on all network elements that run on Ci sco I OS sof tware, C isco IO S
XR software, Cisco NX OS, and Cisco IOS XE software. You will not be able to execute these commands
on network elements that have Cisco Catalyst OS software.
Configure the Device Host Name and DNS
1Menu Bar 5Ticket Pane
2Tool b ar 6Hide/display Ticket Pane
3Device Right-click Menu 7Navigation Pane
4Status Bar
Command Description
Add Host Name
Remove Host Name
Configures the device host name.
Note Be sure to also apply any host name changes to the device in
Prime Network so that the name is also updated in the Prime
Network model.
DNS > Add DNS Server
DNS > Remove DNS Server
Assigns the device to a Domain Name System (DNS) server to
manage translating the host name to and from the device IP address.