Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 18 Monitoring MPLS Services
Monitoring MPLS Services
Figure 18-17 VRRP Properties in IP Interface Properties Window
Table 18-16 describes the information in the VRRP Groups tab.
Table 18-16 VRRP Group Properties
Field Description
Group Number Number of the VRRP group associated with the interface.
Priority Value that determines the role each VRRP router plays and what
happens if the master virtual router fails.
Values are 1 through 254, with lower numbers having priority over
higher numbers.
Master IP Address IP address of the VRRP group, taken from the physical Ethernet
address of the master virtual router.
Admin State Administrative status of the VRRP group: Up or Down.
Operation State State of the VRRP group: Master or Backup.
Preempt Mode Whether or not the router is to take over as the master virtual router
for a VRRP group if it has a higher priority than the current master
virtual router: Enabled or Disabled.
Virtual IP Address IP address of the virtual router.
Virtual MAC Address MAC address of the virtual router.
Advertisement Interval Amount of time (in seconds) between successive advertisements by
the master virtual router.