Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 9 Working with Tickets in Prime Network Vision Viewing Tickets and Network Events for Elements in a Map
Table 9-3 describe s the info rmation di splayed in the ticket pane.
Locate the elements or links affected by the ticket
in the map or links view. Finding Affected Elements, page 9-15
Remove a ticket. Removing a Ticket, page 9-16
View all tickets or only the filtered tickets of a
selected element. Filtering Tickets by Network Element, page 9-6
View tickets. Viewing Tickets and Network Eve nts for Elements
in a Map, page 9-3
View ticket properties, including the history,
correlated alarms, severity of the root cause
alarm, and affected parties.
Viewing Ticket Properties, page 9-9
Table 9-2 Ticket Pane Available Functions (continued)
Function Related Documentation
Table 9-3 Ticket Information Displayed in the Ticket Pane
Field Name Description
Severity Severity of alarm, represented by an icon. The icon and its color indicate the
alarm severity and thereby the impact of the alarm on the network. For more
information about severity, see Map View, page 2-8.
Light Blue—Warning
Medium Blue—Informational
Dark Blue—Indeterminate
Ticket ID Ticket identifier, assigned sequentially. Click the hype rlinked entry to view ticket
properties, and to acknowledge, clear, or refresh the ticket. For mo re
information, see Chapter 9, “Working with Tickets in Prime Network Vision.”
Notes An icon in this column indicates that a note has been added for the ticket. Click
on the icon to read the note and add your own note, if necessary.
Last Modification
Time Date and time (per the database) that the ticket was last updated. Updates can
result from either manual or automatic operations.
Root Cause Severity of the root cause alarm, represented by a bell icon. The color indicates
the severity of the root cause alarm, as described in the Severity field.
Root Event Time Date and time that the event that created the root cause alarm of the ticket was
Description Description of the event that caused the ticket creation.
Location Entity that triggered the ticket, as a hyperlink that displays the relevant location
in the inventory.
Element Type The type of element that triggered the root event, e.g., Cisc o 760 6.