Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 3 Viewing and Managing NE Properties Viewing the Physical Properties of a Device
Viewing the Physical Properties of a Device
Each device that is managed by Prime Network is modeled in the same manner. The physical i nventory
reflects the physical components of the managed network elemen t, as shown in Table 3-8 .
Physical inventory is continuously updated for both status and configuration. The addition of a new card,
the removal of a card, or any change to the device is reflected by the VNE and updated instantly.
If you physically remove an item that Prime Network Vision is managing, the following changes occur
in physical inventory, depending on the item removed:
Removing an item other than a pluggable transceiver results in the following changes:
The color of the icon in physical inventory changes to black.
The item’s status changes to Out.
The other properties of the removed item reflect the most r ecen t value t hat was u pda te d from t he
device with the following exceptions:
Cards—If the card was participating in a card redundancy configuration, the redundancy state
changes to None.
Port—The operational status of the port changes to Down.
Removing a pluggable transceiver results in the following changes:
The color of the pluggable transceiver icon changes to gray.
The pluggable transceiver status changes to Disabled.
In the Pluggable Transceiver panel:
— The properties are no longer displayed.
— The connector type changes to Unknown.
— The pluggable port state changes to Out.
Table 3-8 Physical Inventory Icons
Icon Device
Port/Logical Port
Pluggable Transceiver
Unmanaged Port