Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 10 Working with Reports
Report Categories
Detailed Tickets For each ticket of the specified severities, time period, and device:
Ticket severi t y
Ticket identifier
Last modification time
Root event time
Entity that caused the alarm
Whether or not the ticket is acknowledged
Ticket creation time
Event count
Affected devices count
Duplication count
Reduction count
Alarm count
Fault Database
Detailed Traps For each managed device that is selected, the following information for the specified
time period:
IP address
Time of trap
SNMP version
Trap description
Generic or device-specific trap OID, if the source is the Event Archive
Long description, if the data source is the Fault Database
The maximum number of traps retrieved for th is rep ort depe nd s on whet her t he Lo ng
Description check box is selected. When checked, a m axim um of 3 0,0 00 tra ps ar e
retrieved. When this check box is not checked, a maximum of 100,000 traps are
retrieved for this report.
User Selection:
Event Archive
or Fault
Table 10-13 Detailed Network Events Report Types (continued)
Report Name Description Data Source